Art Talk

Mixing your Palette to Tell a Story
w/ Daniel Graves




In this video, FAA Founder and Director Daniel Graves discusses the inspiration behind his painting Salome’s Rue as an example of the incredible and unique potential realist paintings have to tell a story. 

Journeying beyond the context, symbolism, color and compositional choices made throughout the creation of this specific painting, Daniel touches on how his artwork has progressed over time, and speaks about some of the important philosophies and methodologies that give rise to meaningful works. He also takes us through his palette, and describes a few significant technical choices he made while painting.

We hope you enjoy this video and are perhaps even inspired to, as Daniel says, “Just get out there and make your paintings as real as you can!”


Daniel Graves, Self Portrait, Oil on linen, 25 x 16 in. 2015_
Painter, FAA Director and Founder


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