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Art History Lecture

Academic Art
w/ Tom Richards




Many of us are likely aesthetically inclined to what we call “academic art” and many of us have even spent time in an atelier studying; but what exactly is the academic tradition? Where does it find its start and how has it evolved over time?

In this lecture Tom talks about the root essence of the Academic Tradition and its connection to the classical world through a parallel between Apollo and Dionysus; the rational vs. the instinctive; the academic vs. expressive. Tom guides us through the annals of art history from antiquity to the Italian academies; to the founding of the French Academy with its split between followers of Rubens vs. Poussain; and the French Academic Tradition’s exportation throughout the world eventually leading to the Royal Academy of London.

Using works by artists such as Vasari, Annibale Carracci, Tiziano, David, Delaroche, Ingres, Couture, Joshua Reynolds, Rodolfo Amoedo, Mary Moser, Bouguereau, Sargent, Ribera, and Michelango, Tom discusses the historical and political context for the academies and artists, as well as stresses the importance of training for achieving the mastery that through history has been so deeply appreciated in their works of art.


Painter, FAA Assistant Director, Director Art History & Principal Instructor Advanced Painting


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