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Art History Lecture

19th Century Italian Art
w/ Tom Richards & Fabio Perino




This week we would like to present you with an Art History Lecture given by FAA Assistant Director Tom Richards and Fabio Perino, a graduate of the academy and visual artist based in Turin, Italy. This art history lecture is centered around several Italian artists that were influential in the 19th century, focusing on their various histories and several examples and discussion of their work.

Tom Richards begins the talk with a background on this specific period of time, painting an image of the cultural and historical spheres within which these artists lived, and giving anchoring examples of well-known literature and artwork for us to orient ourselves with. It is important to recognize that Italy did not exist as the unified country as we now know it until the second half of the 19th century, and this deeply influenced the lives of the artists we later get to know. The examples of work that Richards shares, such as literature by Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) and a painting by William Turner (J. M. W. Turner, 1775-1851), illustrate various themes influencing Greater Europe during this time.

After Richards’ introduction, Fabio Perino begins our journey into the lives and works of the artists of which this lecture focuses on. Beginning with Giacomo Grosso (1860-1938), director of the Accademia Albertina in Turin, we explore several of his artworks and discuss the emotional themes behind the works as well as their reception and impact on the public. Next we discuss Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo (1868-1907) an artist who is well known for the painting Il quarto stato with a very deep political message about the state of underpaid laborers. Cesare Tallone (1853–1919) is the next artist we look into, similar to Grosso, the director of an academy, the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo. We also look into artists Antonio Mancini (1852-1930) who studied under Domenico Morelli (1823-1901), Tranquillo Cremona (1837-1878) who was part of the Scapigliatura movement based in Milan, and Medardo Rosso (1858-1928), a sculptor who was also a part of this artistic movement. Together we explore their influences, passions, and impact.


Painter, FAA Assistant Director, Director Art History & Principal Instructor Advanced Painting
Painter, FAA Graduate, Guest Lecturer


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